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RenderMan Educational Videos



These educational videos provide good introductions to some different features and techniques available with RenderMan for Maya. They are provided by Digital-Tutors, from their Introduction to RenderMan for Maya CD. 



"Fast Start" Video — A great introduction to RenderMan for Maya . . . covering everything from loading the plug-in, to basic operation, to the introduction of some advanced features. You can download the Maya scene for this tutorial here


RenderMan for Maya Mattes — Make holes in things with RenderMan Attributes.

Rendering NURBS Surfaces — When it comes to NURBS and Subds, RenderMan renders true curved surfaces, always smooth!

Sharing Geometric Attributes — Learn how to share RenderMan attributes between objects.

Using RenderMan and Maya Cloth — Render better looking cloth…with subdivision surfaces!


Creating Depth of Field Effects — You deserve physically accurate depth of field.
Rendering ZBrush Displacement Maps in RenderMan for Maya
 — Make the most of RenderMan's powerful displacements!

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6.1 RfM Fast Start



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