Monitor: An Overview of the Alfred User-Interface

Alfred Job Status

Alfred job status can be monitored using two display interfaces:

The built-in monitor is automatically launched, by default, when the first job is spooled. If several alfred jobs are spooled in succession they queue up on the single dispatcher associated with each spooling user, and the growing job queue is displayed by the monitor. It is also possible to attach a monitor to a remote dispatcher by using the "alfred -h user@host" invocation; hence it is possible for a single dispatcher to be updating several monitors simultaneously. See the alfred(1) manual page for more information about alfred invocation options.

The Alfred Job Queue Window

The annotated image below shows how the top-level Alfred window looks during the processing of a typical job queue. Three jobs have been spooled to this dispatcher, over the course of several minutes.



Current Job Queue
There is one entry in this list for each spooled job. Each job contains a group of tasks to process.
Job Title
The job title is either the job filename or a string defined internally by the job script.
Elapsed Time
This is a running count of the wall-clock time spent actively processing each job. It includes time spent waiting for remote processors.
Run Time Estimate
An estimate of the total time required to complete each job. The estimate is refined as the job progresses.
Status Message
Short descriptions of the current dispatcher state. Detailed messages appear elsewhere.
Command Launch Log
This is a running log of the actual commands launched by the dispatcher. It shows the launch time and PID of each launched (child) process. A matching done/exit entry is logged as each command completes. Note that several commands can be active at one and that they might finish in any order.
Per-Job Control Menu
Clicking on this button brings up a menu of control operations, for associated job.
Job Detail Window Open/Close
Opens or closes a window which shows the detailed job structure and current status (described below).
Job Progress Bar
This blue line grows towards the right to indicate approximately how much of the job is complete.
Job Priority Bias
Each job has a default priority when requesting remote servers; any user modification to the default is indicated here.



The Job Queue Menubar

The Session menu provides basic controls over alfred:

About Alfred... displays Alfred version information.
Documentation... launches a browser to display the online alfred documents.
Preferences... brings up a dialog box for changing various behavior and presentation parameters.
Browse logs... displays the entire command log history in a separate text editor window (the editor to launch is determined by environment variables, either $WINEDITOR is launched directly or $EDITOR is launched in a separate xterm window).
Update now forces the dispatcher to refresh the monitor's display. This can be useful if a process is interrupted or the monitor and dispatcher get out of sync for some reason.
Pause All toggles between a paused and unpaused state. When paused, all currently running commands (clients on the local host) are sent a STOP signal and no new dispatching occurs. Unpausing sends a CONTINUE signal to the stopped processes and resumes dispatching.
Close Monitor closes all alfred UI windows and the monitor process exits. The dispatcher remains active until all the queued jobs are complete. Just starting another alfred will automatically connect a new monitor to the currently running dispatcher, which is useful for checking on the progress of long-running jobs.

The Selection menu provides control over the job queue. Multiple jobs can accumulate in the scrolling alfred window, and they are processed in top-to-bottom order (which is the order in which the dispatcher receives them). The commands on this menu operate on all of the currently selected jobs.

To select a job just click on the job title or the time fields. Shift+click adds a job to the current selection.

Select All selects all of the jobs in the queue.
to Top of queue moves all selected jobs to the top of the dispatching queue. Any running commands in the previously topmost job will continue to execute; any new dispatching begins with the new topmost job.
to Bottom of queue moves all selected jobs to the end of the queue.
Up one in queue moves the selected job(s) one position higher in the queue order.
Down one in queue moves the selected job(s) one position lower in the queue order.
Retract processes interrupts any running commands for all selected jobs, and pauses the entire dispatcher. Interrupted commands (and their tasks) are reset to ready-to-execute state. This is useful when you don't want to kill a job, but want to remove renderings from the current set of bound servers.
Remove job removes all of the selected jobs from the queue and discards them. Any running commands in the discarded jobs will be killed.


The Scheduling menu provides access to the status and availability of remote servers.

huntgroup opens the job properties dialog, the most important of which is the user's current list of candidate servers, or huntgroup. See the next section for details.

watch servers opens the maitre-d status dialog. There are several types of data about the current state of the resources managed by the maitre-d. The display is automatically updated at regular intervals.

master schedule opens the schedule editor. brings up an interface to the global service schedule. This is a collection of mappings which define names and attributes of remote servers and user access to them. If the current user has write-permission for the alfred.schedule file, then this interface also provides a way to modify the current settings. See the Scheduling document for detailed information on this interface. The huntgroup dialog (below) also provides per-dispatcher controls over some schedule parameters.

The Huntgroup: Servers available to a dispatcher


The huntgroup for a dispatcher is the list of server slots to which it currently has access. This list is generated by the maitre-d, which in turn derives its information from the current alfred.schedule file, which contains service definitions and user access permissions for them.

A service is just the name of a reservable slot on a particular remote host. Typically these are associated with a daemon running on the host. For example, if a workstation named cerberus is running a copy of the alfserver software, and it has been configured to support several rendering slots, then we might name these Alfred services "Cerberus-1, Cerberus-2...". Naming is done through the schedule editor, usually by a project coordinator or system administrator, and the names are arbitrary although they usually reflect the host name or service type.

The schedule file also defines when specific users have access to groups of servers. Entries displayed with the small clock icon are unavailable at this moment due to the schedule's time restrictions. They may become available later, possibly even during the course of a job.

It is sometimes desirable to avoid using a particular server even though it appears in the huntgroup (it might be misbehaving, or down for servicing, or needed for a demo by Someone Who Must Be Obeyed). The checkboxes next to each service name can be used to temporarily remove a service from the dispatching list; in this example, the server named "Codger" won't be used by this dispatcher. In the common situation where users' desktop machines are also listed as potential servers in the schedule, it can sometimes be useful to deselect the dispatcher's local host. That is, in situations where the clienting load is high, it can be helpful to make sure that the dispatcher doesn't also send server work to the local host.

Note that the huntgroup dialog opened from the Scheduling menu affects all jobs, and sets the default for future jobs. You can also modify the huntgroup on a per-job basis; see the next section.

See the NIMBY document for a discussion on how to keep other dispatchers on the network from using your desktop machine as a remote server while you're trying to get work done.

In addition to the "Servers" tab on the huntgroup dialog, there are also tabs for Crews and Priorities. These are somewhat more advanced features which also control which servers are bound to a job. See the Priority discussion for details and examples.


The Per-Job Controls

At the far left of each Job-Queue entry is a menu of per-job controls. These provide access to several frequently-used actions:

Job huntgroup ... Opens a huntgroup dialog which is just like the one described above, except that it only affects the server selections and priorities for the given job.


Job pause/unpause ... Jobs can be paused, and later unpaused, individually.


Retry all error tasks ... Sometimes errors encountered during a job are transitory, they might be related to a particular server or a full disk, etc. This entry causes all tasks with errors in the given job to be reset to their unexecuted state; they will be retried as usual when dispatching continues.


Recall launches ... All currently running commands launched from the given job are interrupted and reset to their unexecuted state so that they will be redispatched as usual later. The entire job is also paused, so that no new commands are launched until the job is unpaused by the user. This is useful for temporarily clearing jobs from the currently bound remote servers.


Update status now ... Forces the dispatcher to immediately updated the monitor with all of the current status information for the given job.


Hide DAG window ... If the Job Detail Window is open for the given job, then this entry just causes it close.


Restart entire job ... Causes the current job to be interrupted, all running commands are terminated. The job is restarted from its initially spooled state.


Discard job ... Removes the given job from the queue and discards it. If the job is still active then all of the running commands are terminated first.


Job Detail Window - The Internal Structure of a Job

Click on the job-detail button to open a subwindow which displays the job's internal task structure, arranged as a hierarchy of dependent execution blocks. Note: this type of node hierarchy is sometimes referred to by the more general term directed acyclic graph, or DAG.

The green blocks are currently executing, the dark blocks are waiting to execute, and light gray indicates completed tasks.

Tasks on the left are higher (later) in the execution hierarchy, they depend on those to their right. Tasks along the right edge are the leaf nodes of the tree, they must complete before their "parent" nodes to the left can begin.

The dispatcher traverses the job tree looking for commands to launch. It uses a depth-first search in which it starts at the top left, and then looks right and down until it finds the first, right-most node which is ready to launch.

Ready tasks are those whose dependents to the right have completed. If there are several ready tasks available, they may be allowed to execute in parallel, depending on the availability of remote servers and other resources.

Note that ready tasks are launched in depth-first order but due to differences in execution time they may finish in any sequence. Under some circumstances ready-to-launch leaf nodes may be started out of order (not in strict top-to-bottom sequence); this happens when all servers of a particular type are in use but leaf tasks later in the tree require a different type which is available. The idea is to maximize throughput by keeping as many remote servers as possible in use.

See the Introduction to Dispatching document for more details.


Task Status Information

A brief status balloon is displayed as the mouse is swept over each task node. The snapshot above shows that the task titled "Frame.0003" is actively rendering on a server named cerberus and the image is 13% done; there are also diagnostic messages which can be viewed.

Blocked tasks are waiting for their child nodes (to the right) to complete before they can begin processing their own commands.

Thwarted tasks are ready to execute but are being delayed by a built-in gating heuristic. Certain special types of tasks, expand and iterate nodes, dynamically add new task nodes to the current job when they execute (see the Cmd syntax discussion for details). Thwarting occurs when the walk-ahead limit (a user preference) has been reached, it disallows dynamic expansions to minimize the number of new ready-to-execute tasks. This behavior is useful because the processing of these nodes often involves the indirect generation of new RIB files, and the delay keeps these potentially large files off the disk until they can actually be rendered.



The Task Menu

Click over an individual task node to get the task control menu.

title - status ... The top entry displays the task title and any current status information, such as command progress, currently bound servers, and whether the command has generated diagnostic output.


see Output log ... If there is diagnostic output, this entry will be enabled and it will open a text window displaying the messages (see below).


see Command guts ... Displays the command details of a particular task node (see below).


Retry this task ... If a task has errors, this entry allows you to retry it.


Skip this, keep going ... If a task has errors, this entry allows you to skip it as if it had completed normally. This allows the parent nodes to continue processing.


Output from Launched Processes

Sometimes a process launched by alfred generates output, these might be normal informational messages, error messages, or non-error warnings. When this happens, the monitor draws a blue outline around the associated task. Click on the task and selecting "see Output log" to retrieve the output generated by that particular task (anything written to stdout or stderr). In the example below a rendering has generated a warning. As a shortcut, clicking on a task with the middle mouse button opens the output log directly.




Tasks which have errors are drawn in amber. From Alfred's perspective, an error is either: a failure during command launch such as a bad path, or the launched application terminates with a non-zero exit status. Some poorly-behaved applications which return random exit values to the environment can often still be used with alfred if they are called from within a simple shell script which is more careful.

When a task encounters an error, it blocks further execution of tasks which depend on it farther up the hierarchy, to its left. If the launched command generated error messages (not always!) they appear in the task's output-log.

Note that tasks which aren't dependent on the error task continue to be dispatched. Eventually, when all remaining tasks are blocked by the error, the job will go into Error-Wait mode, which means that it will remain in the queue until it is removed, or the error condition is cleared; the dispatcher will proceed with other queued jobs.

If the problem which caused the error is transitory, or has been fixed, you can try restarting the task using task menu item "Retry this task". Sometimes during previews or testing it is acceptable to use the menu item "Skip this, keep going" to simply ignore the failed task and continue with the rest of the job as if it had succeeded. Note that there is also an entry in the Preferences dialog which allows you to specify a fixed number of automatic retry attempts. If this feature is enabled the dispatcher will attempt to rerun the task until the attempt limit is reached, then it will block and be marked as a regular error.


Inside a Task - Command Details

The Command Guts menu entry displays the detailed internal components of individual tasks. This can be useful in understanding errors or other dispatching problems. These are the launch expressions specified by the spooled job script as well as any current status information, such as the name of the remote host, etc.



Chaser Commands - Frame Preview

Some Alfred script-generators, such as MTOR, embed script items called task "chaser" commands which can be launched by the user from the UI when the task has completed successfully. Typically these are used to launch an image tool to display the results of a final frame rendering. Tasks which have a chaser commands will be displayed with a heavy border, and the top entry in the task menu will become a cascading menu which launches the command. Note in the example below that the second high-level node has both a chaser (bold border) and an output log (blue border).



Other Task Window Controls

When there are errors in a job, this button appears on the menu bar. Click on it to automatically scroll to the next error task in the tree.
Click on this button for brief balloon help about this window.
Click on this button to toggle automatic scrolling on and off. By default the task window scrolls to show tasks as they become active.



Useful Shortcuts




The "Watch-Servers" Maitre-d Status Dialog

This status display is opened from the Scheduling->watch servers menu on the Job Queue window. It provides a regularly updated listing of the currently defined services (named slots on server hosts) and their status. The tabs across the top of the window each display a different aspect of the current status information.




The Preferences Dialog

Much of Alfred's dispatching behavior can be tuned to suit individual user's preferences. The default behavior for a site is determined by the alfred.ini file. The preferences window allows user to modify these defaults, unless they are LOCKed in the initialization file.


Help Balloons

Note that descriptions of each preference item is available by clicking on the small "i" button on the right.  


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