- Alfserver can "setuid" and launch processes
as the remote user. The alfserver.ini file
now allows process ownership to be configured on a per-launch
basis. The AlfProcessOwnerConfig directive
currently supports three modes:
- AlfProcessOwnerConfig server
Processes inherit alfserver's userid.
Environment settings are inherited from the environment
in which alfserver was started,
or overridden in alfserver.ini.
This is the default setting, and it corresponds to the
behavior of previous releases.
- AlfProcessOwnerConfig setuid "userid"
Processes are executed as the given userid
(unix only, and alfserver must be running as root).
An optional "setgid" group can also be specified
via "userid.groupid", in the style of chown(1).
All environment settings are taken from those overridden or
inherited by alfserver.ini, and the process will be started
directly with alfserver as its parent using
execve(). This setting is intended to provide fast launches and
reliable, administrator controlled site configurations.
Any per-user settings must be applied in alfserver.ini.
- AlfProcessOwnerConfig login "userid"
Each command is launched from a full login shell, which is created
using /bin/su, similar to rsh
(unix only, and alfserver must be running as root).
NOTE: when using this setting
all environment changes made alfserver.ini will be ignored!
Instead, settings come from the user and system
configuration files, such as .cshrc and others. This setting
incurs far more launch overhead than the 'setuid' mode, such as
mounting user home directories from file servers, but
it provides users with the most opportunity to configure the
environment in which all of their remote commands are executed.
- Metrics can be specified on an individual server basis in
alfserver.ini by including local
metrics definitions. These definitions augment those
defined globally in alfred.schedule,
which are broadcast on demand from the maitre-d.
- The alfserver -rmap option is now supported
in netrender-only mode, as well as the previously available
full alfserver mode. This allows netrender clients to pick between
multiple installed versions of the renderer on each server, using
the 'netrender -R key' option. MTOR users can set this version
key in the Render Globals dialog.
- A new configuration variable in alfred.ini called "timerSendRetry"
now controls interval between socket send retries when network
buffers fill up. The old interval was approximately one second,
the new interval can be specified in floating-point seconds and
can be less than one.
- New alfred.ini configuration variables control the
automatic temporary avoidance of hosts which are having "trouble"
of some sort. These settings specify the number of seconds that the
host slots should be avoided during slot assignment, before they're
retried again.
- timerAvoidNoRoute
- host was unreachable (shutdown or off the network),
or its name wasn't found in the nameserver database
- timerAvoidNoListener
- host was found, and up, but alfserver doesn't
appear to be listening on the expected port(s).
- timerAvoidTooBusy
- host is up and alfserver is responding, but
the system is too busy to accept additional work.
- Alfserver now reports free memory correctly on Linux systems
with more than 2 gigabytes of memory.
- The alfred dispatcher now correctly passes -envkey
values to alfserver, when specified as an option to Job or RemoteCmd
in alfred scripts.
- Better handling of 'ALF_EXIT_STATUS' messages from applications
launched via RemoteCmd.
- Job spill-over handling has been improved in both the alfred
dispatcher and maitre-d. Previously, secondary jobs would sometimes
stall until the primary job completed.
- Certain active jobs would sometimes stall the dispatcher when
they were deleted. In particular these jobs made use of "task-level
check-outs," and the dispatcher would enter an endless "deleting,
please wait" period. This has been fixed.
New in Alfred
New Alfservers supercede older processes of the same
version number, with this fix to Alfserver -supercede mode.
Added fix to 'skip this task' broken in the 5.5.2 patch.
$HOME fix added for Alfserver setuid mode.
Change old irix-vestige restriction on Alfred processes
running as uid > 99 to only disallowing uid 0,1.
Fixed runaway dispatcher problem when RemoteCmds specify
an app which doesn't exist on the server.