RenderMan Attributes |
The Anatomy of a RenderMan attribute
How to figure out the name of an attribute
Which attributes might you want to add to a node?
How to add an attribute to a node
How to add bunches of attributes to nodes
How to delete attributes
How to set attribute values
How to set Render Global values
All RenderMan attributes are prefixed with "rman__" (that's two underscores), and all RenderMan attributes follow this naming convention:
But luckily, you don't need to remember that. There are ways to query the name of a setting which will be described in the next section.
Setting types include:
- toropt
- Translator options. These settings are used in the process of translating a maya scene. They apply across an entire rendering job.
- torattr
- Translator attributes. These settings are also used in the process of translating a maya scene. They can vary between passes, but they don't have to. For example, it's possible to render multiple passes for which only some have motionBlur enabled.
- riopt
- RenderMan Options are settings that affect the rendering of an entire image. The names of some riopts and riattrs may require a namespace.
- riattr
- RenderMan Attributes are settings that are part of the graphics state, and unlike Options can be associated with individual primitives.
- param
- Params can refer to either shader parameters or command parameters. In the case of shading parameters a simpler naming convention is followed:
. Command parameters follow the same convention as other setting types.- (top)
There are a couple ways you can find out the name of an attribute. The easiest is to select the node you want to add an attribute to, then open the RenderMan Attributes window (Attributes->RenderMan->Manage Attributes...) The window lists all the attributes that you can add to the selected node. These are listed as labels, because they're more readable that way. When you click on one of the labels, the corresponding name of the attribute appears in the description field at the bottom of the window. You can jot it down for future use.
Another way to find out the name of an attribute is to look in the DeclarationTable in RenderMan_for_Maya.ini. It lists all the known attributes, but their names aren't quite in the format you need. Here's are a couple example declarations:
The piece of this declaration that you can use to find out the corresonding attribute name in maya is the name of the setting -- the portion after the data type. In these two examples that's "ShadingRate" and "trace:maxspeculardepth". Note the latter has what's called a namespace, and the former doesn't. That's nothing you need to be particularly conscious of, just know that it takes part in the attribute name. You can pass the name of the setting to a MEL script called:
declare riattr {float ShadingRate} { label "Shading Rate" range {0 100 0.1} subtype slider description "Values from 5 to 100 allow for faster renders, while a value of 1 is high quality and slower." } declare riattr {int trace:maxspeculardepth} { label "Max Specular Depth" subtype slider range {0 10 1} description "Number of bounces for reflections and refractions. Value of 1 or 2 is sufficient unless you need multi bounce effects." }
global proc string rmanGetAttrName( string $declname )For example:
rmanGetAttrName "ShadingRate";
// Result: rman__riattr___ShadingRate //
rmanGetAttrName "trace:maxspeculardepth";
// Result: rman__riattr__trace_maxspeculardepth //
To get a list of the attributes you might want to add to a node, try this command:
global proc string[] rmanGetOptionalAttrs( string $node )
rmanGetOptionalAttrs nurbsSphereShape1; // Result: rman__riattr___ShadingRate rman__riattr___SmoothShade rman__riattr___MatteObject rman__riattr___DoubleSided rman__riattr___ReverseOrientation rman__riattr___MotionFactor rman__riattr__cull_backfacing rman__riattr__cull_hidden rman__riattr__derivatives_centered rman__riattr__derivatives_extrapolate rman__riattr__dice_binary rman__riattr__dice_hair rman__riattr__dice_rasterorient rman__riattr__grouping_membership rman__riattr__identifier_name rman__riattr__identifier_objectid rman__riattr__sides_backfacetolerance rman__riattr__sides_doubleshaded rman__riattr__stitch_enable rman__riattr__stitch_newgroup rman__riattr__trace_bias rman__riattr__trace_displacements rman__riattr__trace_maxdiffusedepth rman__riattr__trace_maxspeculardepth rman__riattr__trace_samplemotion rman__riattr__visibility_camera rman__riattr__visibility_specular rman__riattr__visibility_diffuse rman__riattr__visibility_transmission rman__riattr__visibility_midpoint rman__riattr__visibility_photon rman__torattr___outputSurfaceShaders rman__torattr___outputDisplacementShaders rman__torattr___outputLightShaders rman__torattr___outputVolumeShaders rman__torattr___subdivScheme //
Now that you know how to figure out the name of an attribute, the recommended way of adding it to a node is with a MEL script called "rmanAddAttr". Here's its definition:
global proc rmanAddAttr( string $node, string $attr, string $val)It takes three arguments, the node name, the attribute name, and the default value. RFM will figure out the appropriate type of attribute to add to the maya node, and will convert the value string to the expected type. The value can be an empty string if you want RFM to use its own default for the setting.
Some examples:
rmanAddAttr nurbsSphereShape1 `rmanGetAttrName ShadingRate` ""; rmanAddAttr nurbsSphereShape1 `rmanGetAttrName "trace:maxspeculardepth"` "4";
The selection sensitive menu entries which appear in the Attribute Editor under the Attributes->RenderMan menu usually add more than one attribute. And some of them, like "Add Subsurface Scattering", even do more complex things like creating a new network of pass nodes. It might be handy to invoke these entries via MEL rather than from the menu. Here's how you can do that.
Note, it's also possible for you to add menu entries to the Attributes->RenderMan menu. These are defined toward the end of RenderMan_for_Maya.ini.
The command definition is:
global proc rmanExecAEMenuCmd( string $node, string $menuItemLabel)Here's an example which adds subsurface scattering to a material node:
rmanExecAEMenuCmd blinn1 "Add Subsurface Scattering";
There's nothing special you need to know about deleting attributes. It's done in the same way as deleteing other maya attributes, with the deleteAttr command.
deleteAttr nurbsSphereShape1.rman__riattr___ShadingRate
If you know the name of the node and attribute, you can use maya's setAttr command. RFM also provides a command that might make setting attributes a little easier in the respect that you don't need to know the data type of the attribute, and the value can be supplied as a string. Feel free to use whichever you prefer. This is its definition:
global proc rmanSetAttr(string $node, string $attr, string $val)And some examples:
rmanSetAttr nurbsSphereShape1 rman__riattr___ShadingRate 5; setAttr nurbsSphereShape1.rman__riattr___ShadingRate 5; rmanSetAttr renderManGlobals rman__riopt___PixelSamples "5 5"; setAttr renderManGlobals.rman__riopt___PixelSamples 5 5; rmanSetAttr renderManGlobals rman__GDScheme occlusion; setAttr -type "string" renderManGlobals.rman__GDSchemeocclusion;
The render globals nodes may not exist in your maya scene; they're typicaly created when the Render Globals window is raised. This command can be used to create them:
rmanCreateGlobals;This command creates an environment light:
rmanCreateEnvLight;Render globals can be set like other attributes with the
command; the trick is knowing which attribute each render global corresponds to. Here's a table...
Another place to look to figure out attribute names is in the mouse-over tooltip for each control in the Render Globals window.
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