In this section the required RenderMan Interface filters are defined. Keep in mind that the filter implementations may assume that they will never be passed (x,y) values that are outside the ([-xwidth/2, xwidth/2], [-ywidth/2,ywidth/2]) range.
RtFloat RiBoxFilter (RtFloat x, RtFloat y, RtFloat xwidth, RtFloat ywidth) { return 1.0; }
RtFloat RiTriangleFilter (RtFloat x, RtFloat y, RtFloat xwidth, RtFloat ywidth) { return ( (1.0 - fabs(x)) / (xwidth*0.5) ) * ( (1.0 - fabs(y)) / (ywidth*0.5) ); }
RtFloat RiCatmullRomFilter (RtFloat x, RtFloat y, RtFloat xwidth, RtFloat ywidth) { RtFloat r2 = (x*x + y*y); RtFloat r = sqrt(r2); return (r >= 2.0) ? 0.0 : (r < 1.0) ? (3.0*r*r2 - 5.0*r2 + 2.0) : (-r*r2 + 5.0*r2 - 8.0*r + 4.0); }
RtFloat RiGaussianFilter (RtFloat x, RtFloat y, RtFloat xwidth, RtFloat ywidth) { x *= 2.0 / xwidth; y *= 2.0 / ywidth; return exp(-2.0 * (x*x + y*y)); }
RtFloat RiSincFilter (RtFloat x, RtFloat y, RtFloat xwidth, RtFloat ywidth) { RtFloat s, t; if (x > -0.001 && x < 0.001) s = 1.0; else s = sin(x)/x; if (y > -0.001 && y < 0.001) t = 1.0; else t = sin(y)/y; return s*t; }
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Pixar Animation Studios