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Tracking Modifications Between Sessions

When you are interactively working with a palette, Slim keeps track of changes that will require a regeneration and recompilation of the shader (or master) in order to take effect. Every time you render your scene, Slim checks which appearances have been modified since their shaders were last generated and regenerates/recompiles what is necessary.

For interactive work, this is a relatively simple process: every attachable appearance contains a flag indicating whether it is "dirty" or "clean." When an appearance is modified in a manner which will require changes to the shader (e.g. the value of an internal parameter is changed), it is marked as dirty. When the shader is regenerated, it is marked as clean.

Tracking this state becomes more complicated between sessions of Slim. If, when loading a palette, Slim were to assume that any existing shaders were invalid, you would always have to wait for those shaders to be regenerated. On the other hand, if Slim were to assume that any existing shaders were valid, you might unknowingly find yourself using old or invalid versions of the shader.

To maintain a consistent dirty state between sessions, Slim not only tracks that an appearance is modified, it keeps track of when an appearance is modified. This modification time (measured in POSIX fashion) is stored within the body of the shader as a comment:

    /* shader modification timestamp: 1109976261 */

This same number is stored with the appearance when it is saved:

    function shadingmodel_aov "Glass" "pixar,Glass#1" {
        modified 1109976261

When this appearance is next loaded, Slim compares the modified value in the palette to the timestamp stored within the shader:

The modified mechanism is new for Slim 6.5. Slim 6.0 employed a similar mechanism known as mastermtime. This mechanism differed from the one described above in that, rather than storing the time that an appearance was modified, it stored the time that the shader was generated (more precisely, the mtime of the file). The mastermtime mechanism had two main problems:

These problems have been addressed by the modified mechanism:

To understand the benefits of the modified mechanism, you may wish to perform this experiment:
  1. Check that your shader directory is clean of existing shaders
  2. Open the Slim Message Log, set the Filter to Info, and make sure the Timestamp box is checked.
  3. Create a new palette consisting of three Constant shaders and name them A, B, C.
  4. Change A's Surface Color to red and perform a preview render.
  5. Change B's Surface Color to yellow and perform a preview render.
  6. Change B's Surface Color to green, but do not perform a preview render.
  7. Save the palette.
  8. Change C's Surface Color to purple and perform a preview render.
  9. Close the palette without saving it.

Now reopen the palette and render icons for the three shaders. A, B, and C should be represented as red, green, and blue respectively, as seen here:

Now open the Message Log to see which shaders were regenerated/recompiled.

Now close the palette without saving, reopen it, and render all of the icons. You should find that, because all of the shaders are now in sync with what had been stored in the palette, none of them were regenerated.

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