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Display Attributes

Display Attributes

The settings for a render pass, like a shadow map, are controlled by the display attributes for that pass. These settings can be adjusting using the Passes tab of the Render Globals. The attributes not explicitly set for a pass will be inherited from the Render Globals. 

Adding Display Attributes

For any type of pass additional attributes may be added. Additional attributes can be helpful to add in situations where a specific pass requires controls that the pass does not have by default. For instance, a reference pass may require additional attributes to control effects specific to that pass, like shading rate. To add additional attributes to a pass:

1) Open the Passes tab of the Render Globals.
2) Switch to the pass requiring additional attributes (using the pull-down menu next to the Passes field).
3) With the pass active, press the "Add/Remove Settings" button.
4) Add the desired attribute(s) from the pop-up menu.

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